Tips to Keep Your Baby Warm during the Cold Season

Winter is here and you must keep your baby warm. We understand that it is a challenge to make your baby wear warm clothes. Even infants are notorious for moving blankets away from their bodies after you tuck them in. However, as a parent, you should make sure that your baby stays warm and doesContinue reading “Tips to Keep Your Baby Warm during the Cold Season”

Childbirth and Recovery: What Should You Know About

No matter how you give birth to your baby, even if you’ve sailed through a healthy pregnancy and might have the easiest delivery, your body has undoubtedly stretched and now it needs to be recharged. Keep one thing in mind, you’re different from another new mum, with different postpartum symptoms. Sore nipples, back pain, perinealContinue reading “Childbirth and Recovery: What Should You Know About”

 Is Your Baby Born With Clubfoot? What Are The Easy Treatment Methods?

Fever or cold is still manageable when it comes to your little one, but we know that you won’t be able to see your baby with birth defects. Birth defects like heart defects, cleft lip or palate, spina bifida, and clubfoot or sickle cell disease, and cystic fibrosis; are changes in a baby’s body structurally,Continue reading ” Is Your Baby Born With Clubfoot? What Are The Easy Treatment Methods?”

How To Hand Express Breast Milk?

Your baby’s best source of nutrition is breast milk. During the first six months after birth, breast milk is the only recommended source of nutrition for your baby. Although breast-feeding is recommended during this time, hand expressed milk is given to your baby, when you’re unable to feed the baby directly. What is Hand-expression ofContinue reading “How To Hand Express Breast Milk?”

Baby Nail Care: Things to know

Think of newborns and the image of a baby’s curled fingers, forming a tiny fist, is perhaps one of the first things to cross your mind. But have you ever thought about cutting your baby’s nails? It can be as daunting as it is necessary.  Long fingernails and toenails can not only be irritating forContinue reading “Baby Nail Care: Things to know”

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