10 Nutritious Snacks During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, you should eat nutritious snacks to support your health and the well-rounded development of your baby. However, often, we do not know exactly what to eat. As a result, many end up eating store-bought snacks. To avoid this, here are 10 nutritious and easy snack ideas to keep you healthy.  10 Healthy IndianContinue reading “10 Nutritious Snacks During Pregnancy”

What Is Lactose Overload in Breastmilk?

You may have heard the terms foremilk and hindmilk. Foremilk is the milk that your baby gets at the beginning of a feed. Hindmilk is the milk that your baby gets at the end of a feed. Lactose overload in breast milk is a condition when there is an imbalance in the foremilk and hindmilk.Continue reading “What Is Lactose Overload in Breastmilk?”

Why Do You Feel Nauseous During the Third Trimester?

Nausea is not common in the third trimester. Only 20% of pregnant women suffer from nausea in the last three months of pregnancy. During this time, you may get nauseous once in a while due to gastrointestinal tract issues. However, if you find yourself vomiting or feeling nauseous often in the third trimester, get inContinue reading “Why Do You Feel Nauseous During the Third Trimester?”

Tips to Keep Your Baby Warm during the Cold Season

Winter is here and you must keep your baby warm. We understand that it is a challenge to make your baby wear warm clothes. Even infants are notorious for moving blankets away from their bodies after you tuck them in. However, as a parent, you should make sure that your baby stays warm and doesContinue reading “Tips to Keep Your Baby Warm during the Cold Season”

How to Prevent Spitting During Pregnancy

One of the unusual symptoms of pregnancy is excessive saliva. The build-up of excessive saliva in the mouth is also known as ptyalism gravidarum. It is more common in women who suffer from extreme morning sickness. If you are suffering from excessive saliva, there is nothing to worry about. Excessive saliva in your mouth isContinue reading “How to Prevent Spitting During Pregnancy”

How Common It Is to Get a Cold During Early Pregnancy?

You may be surprised to know that catching a common cold many times during pregnancy is normal. Most people catch a cold 2-3 times a year. However, during pregnancy, you may catch a cold more frequently. It is so because your immune system is compromised during pregnancy. You may also start feeling colder than before.Continue reading “How Common It Is to Get a Cold During Early Pregnancy?”

Does a Faint Line on the Pregnancy Test Mean It’s Positive or Negative?

A faint second line usually means that you are pregnant. If you take a pregnancy test with a urine pregnancy kit before 10 weeks of pregnancy, it could have a faint second line. A urine pregnancy kit detects human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in your urine sample. This hormone is found in a woman’s bodyContinue reading “Does a Faint Line on the Pregnancy Test Mean It’s Positive or Negative?”

Guide To Breast Pumping For New Mothers

You may opt for breast pumps for several reasons. However, breast pumps can be intimidating for a new mom. Selecting and using a breast pump requires careful planning and practice. The ideal time to start using a breast pump is when your baby is 4-6 months old. Pumping too early can cause nipple confusion andContinue reading “Guide To Breast Pumping For New Mothers”

Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy: Causes, Preventions & Treatment

Pelvic pain during pregnancy is common. After all, your uterus is growing and causing other organs to make room. Also, your increasing hormone levels and strained muscles contribute to pelvic pain. However, do consult with your doctor to rule out a serious condition called Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD). Common Causes of Pelvic Pain During PregnancyContinue reading “Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy: Causes, Preventions & Treatment”

How Does Menstruation Cycle Indicate Your Health Condition?

Have you noticed that whenever you go for a medical checkup your doctor asks you some specific questions about your periods? Questions such as when was your last menstrual period (LMP), are your periods regular or irregular are among the most common ones asked. Answers to these questions throw light on your overall health. TheContinue reading “How Does Menstruation Cycle Indicate Your Health Condition?”

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