Interesting Cord Blood Facts That Parents Should Know

Among all the responsibilities of a parent, ensuring a healthy and secure future for your child tops the list. Preserving your newborn’s umbilical cord blood stem cells is one step towards it. 

Today, more and more parents are acknowledging the benefits of stem cell banking, and if you too have decided to go for cord blood banking then you would probably like to know some interesting facts about umbilical cord blood.

  1. Stem cell banking can help your child to fight against 80+ serious diseases. Umbilical cord blood stem cell transplants are becoming the primary treatment for diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma, thalassaemia, and sickle cell anemia. 
  2. Baby stem cell collection is a harmless process. Neither the mother nor the baby gets hurt or suffers any kind of pain during the collection process. Stem cells are collected from the umbilical cord blood that is considered medical waste. Once the baby is born, within a couple of minutes the umbilical cord is cut and collected. It doesn’t impact the natural birthing process in any way. 
  3. Newborn baby stem cell storage is nothing new. The first umbilical cord blood stem cell transplant was done in 1988. Ever since almost 4 million baby stem cell storage has taken place globally. 
  4. Umbilical cord blood stem cells are a rich, natural, and non-controversial source of stem cells. There is nothing unethical about newborn cord blood banking as it is collected post-birth. There is also no political or religious ban on newborn stem cell banking.
  5. Umbilical cord blood stem cells are a better match for transplants in comparison to bone marrow. A person will have 100% matches with their cord blood stem cells. The chances of the body rejecting cord blood stem cells are almost zero. 
  6. Stem cell preservation benefits not only your baby but the entire family. The umbilical cord blood stem cell collected from your baby will also match their siblings and also members of the extended family.
  7. The benefits of cord blood banking are gradually being realized by the medical community and the general public. Cord blood banking can help treat diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cerebral palsy etc. that so far have been considered incurable. 

The cost of cord blood banking is nothing in comparison to the benefits. If you have a family history of genetic disorders then save your child’s cord blood with a private bank.

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