10 Nutritious Snacks During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, you should eat nutritious snacks to support your health and the well-rounded development of your baby. However, often, we do not know exactly what to eat. As a result, many end up eating store-bought snacks. To avoid this, here are 10 nutritious and easy snack ideas to keep you healthy.  10 Healthy IndianContinue reading “10 Nutritious Snacks During Pregnancy”

Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy: Causes, Preventions & Treatment

Pelvic pain during pregnancy is common. After all, your uterus is growing and causing other organs to make room. Also, your increasing hormone levels and strained muscles contribute to pelvic pain. However, do consult with your doctor to rule out a serious condition called Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD). Common Causes of Pelvic Pain During PregnancyContinue reading “Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy: Causes, Preventions & Treatment”

How To Keep Your New-born Germ-safe In During Winters? 

Winter brings along with it flu and other viral infections, which can affect anyone with fever, cold and cough. However, if you’ve recently given birth to a new-born baby, as a new mom, you should be extra careful with your baby, during the winter season. As your little one’s immune system is still developing, andContinue reading “How To Keep Your New-born Germ-safe In During Winters? “

Interesting Cord Blood Facts That Parents Should Know

Among all the responsibilities of a parent, ensuring a healthy and secure future for your child tops the list. Preserving your newborn’s umbilical cord blood stem cells is one step towards it.  Today, more and more parents are acknowledging the benefits of stem cell banking, and if you too have decided to go for cord blood banking thenContinue reading “Interesting Cord Blood Facts That Parents Should Know”

Heard of the Norovirus Infection in Children?

If you haven’t already heard about the Norovirus, it’s about time you learn all about it.  What is Norovirus? This is a highly contagious viral infection that leads to inflammation of the intestines and stomach causing acute gastroenteritis. Young children, the elderly and people with weak immunity are more likely to get infected by thisContinue reading “Heard of the Norovirus Infection in Children?”

Can Stem Cells Treat Sports Injuries?

Athletes are no strangers to injuries, be it a small or large one. Other than the pain caused, injuries also put an athlete out of commission for a while so that they can heal. If you’ve ever faced such an injury, you’d understand that the urge to get back to your sport as soon asContinue reading “Can Stem Cells Treat Sports Injuries?”

Keep Your Baby Away From Mosquito Bites

After the scorching heat, you usually wait for the monsoons to bring down the temperature. Unfortunately, the season also brings with it a swarm of mosquitoes. That’s when you need to prevent your baby from getting mosquito bites. While they may seem like little red bumps, they carry diseases and infections that can be transferredContinue reading “Keep Your Baby Away From Mosquito Bites”

Best Ways to Lower The Risk of Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a temporary condition during pregnancy where your blood sugar level is higher than usual. GDM (Gestational Diabetes Mellitus) generally affects 9 out of 100 women and can cause problems at the time of delivery. Being overweight and having high blood pressure can put you at more risk of developing the disease. ItContinue reading “Best Ways to Lower The Risk of Gestational Diabetes”

Top Ways To Teach Your Baby About Colors

12-month-old babies are like little sponges—absorbing all the information around them. This is the time when parents can teach them to follow basic instructions and things such as what is what and how to do something. This is a good time to introduce babies to colours and train them to recognise and differentiate between them.Continue reading “Top Ways To Teach Your Baby About Colors”

Top Activities to Improve Motor Skills in Babies

As an aware parent, you probably already know about the importance of developing motor skills in babies. Your little one needs to develop these skills to live a healthy, active life and become independent over time. Since motor skills develop at different rates, parents should include gross motor activities in their child’s routine on aContinue reading “Top Activities to Improve Motor Skills in Babies”

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